We use git for version control, the development is organized in two repositories, one hosted at RWTH Aachen University, the other one being hosted at github.com.
- the RWTH Aachen repository is used internally, if you want to contribute, please contact one of the main developers (e.g., Stefan Schupp)
- the github-repository is used publicly
- the master branch holds the last stable release
- the alpha branch is used as a staging area for the next release
- the documentation branch holds everything related to this online documentation
- the master and alpha branch are under continuous integration
- all development should start in branches based on the alpha branch
- development branches should be named in a meaningful way, we often use prefixes, e.g., feature/, fix/, or maintenance/ to indicate the purpose
- ideally, development branches are merged to the alpha branch after development of a certain feature and if all checks are successful, deleted